Remember the days we spent saving our pocket money during recess, only to squander them on snacks at Mama shops after school? Here's a throwback to 10 childhood snacks Singaporeans love:



Haw flakes

Packed in small cylindrical stacks, the sweet and tangy haw flakes come in thin slices made from the fruit of the Chinese hawthorn. Unlike its traditional purpose of masking the bitterness of Chinese herbal medicine, haw flakes are served with tea or as treats for children today.


Chupa Chups

This Spanish lollipop is a hot favourite amongst Singaporean teachers, often used to reward their students for doing well on spelling tests and examinations. Chupa Chups has been thriving in the Singapore market since the 1970s with its classic flavours (Cola, Orange, Strawberry and Apple) and has even diversified its production line to include flavoured soft drinks and toys.


White Rabbit Candy

More commonly known as 大白兔奶糖, the soft, chewy candy gives off a flavourful milky and creamy taste when chewed on. The sticky candies are wrapped with an iconic edible paper-like wrapper and a printed wax paper. We personally love how the edible rice paper melts slowly once it touches the tip of our tongues.


Bangle Chocolate

More known for its colourful aesthetic and crackling packaging than its actual taste, this bangle chocolate was a popular snack among the 90s kids. An exciting snack to have during playtime, this bangle chocolate fueled all our childhood dreams of being doctors. Having to dispense these colourful “medicine” and popping them open for our “patients” was truly one of the most satisfying things we remember from our play time.



Mamee Monster Noodle Snack

This Malaysian snack has stolen all of Singapore’s heart with its convenience and amazing flavour. Known for being a noodle snack that requires no cooking, this crispy and savoury snack is often crushed into tiny bits and shaken with the seasoning packet that comes with every bag (it’s really just MSG). Maybe we should’ve heeded our parents’ warnings about eating too much of these Mamee noodles that will cause us to start “dropping hair”...

Hiro Choc Cake

A golden yellow cake with a sweet chocolate coating, this Hiro Choc Cake was a big hit in the 80s and 90s. This soft and mini cake reminds us of all the times we spent sitting at canteen tables with friends, stuffing our faces with snacks after a good round of “catching” in the courtyard. 



Fancy Gem Biscuits

The fancy gem biscuit is an iconic Singaporean snack best known for its colourful variety (usually in white, pink, green and yellow). A fun-sized confectionery suitable for the young, the old and everyone in between, this sweet biscuit (both icing and biscuit) melts in the mouth and always leave us wanting more. 



Wheel Cracker Snack

Don’t be fooled by this pale-looking snack! This widely-popular wheel snack can be found across Singapore. From canteens to mama shops and convenience stalls, this potato-based snack has made its way into the tummy of almost every Singaporean.



Super Ring

Known for its cheesy flavour, flaky texture and finger-staining property, Super Ring makes its presence known by leaving stains and trails wherever it goes. This bright orange snack has survived the test of time and can still be found in supermarkets around Singapore.



Ice Cream Sandwich

“Ring ring ring!” Remember hearing the familiar ice cream bell and running down to our HDB carparks to buy our favourite ice cream sandwiches? From basic flavours like vanilla and chocolate to unique flavours like yam, durian and blueberry ripple, these ice cream sandwiches are our saviours from the heat. At only $1 (inflated to $1.20-$1.40 today), we’d even get to choose how we’d like the ice cream to be served. From colourful bread to biscuits, cones and cups, these ice cream sandwiches are worth every cent they cost.




All products featured can be found online and in store. Click here to view more products!

September 18, 2019 by Cherise Ang

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