Attaining your personal success with the right goals! | Devotional
Sometimes, we feel as if we are on the wrong path and we question what we are doing. But mainly the reason why we feel like this, is because what we’re currently doing is not helping us achieve the objective that we want to reach. In today’s TED talk by engineer, John Doerr, we find out the secret to setting the right goals to help us attain our personal success.
Currently, many of us either haven’t set goals yet or do not feel that the goals that we have set doesn’t bring us much purpose. Well, the key to setting the right goals is actually to ask yourself first, “Why?” By asking yourself “why?” you actually bind yourself to your passions and to your purpose through giving a piece of something you care about to your goals. When you know that you’re striving for an achievement in a field or hobby that you’re passionate about, this passion will be the core of what drives you and what motivates you to press on even when things get tough!
Next, we need to find out our objectives, which are mainly significant, action-oriented and inspiring. They are the end in line that we see. When setting objectives, it’s important to make sure that they’re attainable so that when you’re working towards it, you have an end in mind and that you can picture yourself having already achieved that goal!
Finally, we need to think about the “How?” They are the key results. Good results are often specific & time bound, aggressive yet realistic and measurable & verifiable. Being specific and time-bound means that you need to set a goal that targets a specific area and you need to give yourself a frame of time to attain it within. By being aggressive yet realistic in your goals, you push yourself to newer heights by constantly challenging yourself and asking yourself, “can i do better?” Chances are, you definitely can! Next, by having measurable and verifiable results, you’re able to see the work that you’ve put in and you’re able to see what you’ve been able to achieve with this hard work that you’ve devoted to your goals!

With this, we hope that you have learnt the secret on how to set the right goals so that you are able to attain that personal success that you have in mind, but one thing to always remember, there’s no way you can get to the end in mind without leaving the starting line, so take action today as everyday is always a chance for you to start your race~
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