Happy first week of 2021! As we go back to work or school after a long weekend or holiday, it’s easy to feel the monday blues. But one thing is for certain, we can’t let this mood drag us down and cause us to not be productive and do well! It's that "New Year, New Me" season after all, so let's get out of this cycle of procrastination with these simple tips that can help you be more productive and get more work done in a day! Let’s get our grind on!

When doing work, “Do Not Disturb” is a godsend

Many users may be familiar with the function, “do not disturb”. For those who aren’t, it’s a function that can actually mute the notifications you receive on your phone! What you can do for when you go to work is to schedule for it to turn on during your working hours so you never get distracted from that important report or presentation you were working on! 

A Pomodoro timer is just the tool to get your super saiyan mode on

Named after a tomato (fun fact: pomodoro means tomato in Italian!) The pomodoro technique is all about putting in your 100% focus for intervals of time and taking short breaks in between these intervals! One example may be doing work without distractions for 45 minutes, followed by a 5-10 minute break. After completing 4 cycles, you can choose to reward yourself with a slightly longer break of 15-30 minutes, or just continue with the cycle so you ride on the groove you’ve got! It’s amazing how much work you can get done with this technique! For anyone with a phone, it’s easy to use this function with the timer function! So there’s no excuse to not do work now~

Screen time is the firewall for scrolling through addictive social media posts

Many of us have experienced losing track of time scrolling through our Instagram, or maybe Tik Tok nowadays. But as much as it may be interesting, it’s important to know when to stop and when to go back to doing work! Which is why phones now come with a screen time function for you to limit your mobile phone usage to prevent it from getting in the way of your work. Simply set it up as a time limit so you get a soft reminder to get back to work, or schedule for your phone to block certain applications during working hours so you won’t be able to use those addictive social media applications now! 

digital illustration of chinese quote about new year new day new journey with a bear holding pom poms and fireworks

We hope that with these simple tips that you can put into place with just the basic functions on your phone, you can start to get into the grind and stop this cycle of procrastination or getting easily distracted! Let’s get this bread :)

The image above can now be downloaded as a wallpaper! Click on it below to download~

phone wallpaper of a digital illustration of chinese quote about new year new day new journey with a bear holding pom poms and fireworks image of a phone with its wallpaper being a digital illustration of chinese quote about new year new day new journey with a bear holding pom poms and fireworks

January 08, 2021 by Celine Chin Wheniwasfour

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