2020 has been pretty interesting, to say the least. It’s the year of many new experiences, from schooling or working from home, to not being able to go out for at least 3 months, it’s definitely a year that’ll go down in history. But with all these experiences to talk and think about, it’s hard to imagine what 2021 would be like, especially with things being so unpredictable now. Which is why, Wheniwasfour has prepared a bunch of questions for reflection and to help you determine your goals for the upcoming year so no matter what, you won't lose your direction. 

For 2020:

  • What is the most important lesson you learned this year?
  • What was your favourite moment?
  • How did you have fun?
  • What is something new you discovered about yourself?

For 2021:

  • What is your intention for the next year?
  • What do you want to change completely?
  • What will you do to step out of your comfort zone?
  • How will you make next year matter?

 digital illustration of a chinese verse about a new day cheer up smooth sailing dont be sad

As we approach a new year, many things are left to be wondered about, especially how we would progress from this situation. But, as what they say, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, we should just focus on being happy today rather than worrying about what’s uncertain or can’t be controlled! Only when you let go of your worries, will you truly have a great and fulfilling day~ You can do it so press on and fight on, fellow Dream Chaser!


The image above can now be used as a wallpaper! Click on the image below to download~

phone wallpaper of a digital illustration with chinese verse about a new day cheer up smooth sailing dont be sad image of a phone with its wallpaper being a digital illustration of a chinese verse about a new day cheer up smooth sailing dont be sad

December 30, 2020 by Celine Chin Wheniwasfour

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