In times like these, it’s easy to lose yourself to the temptation of shopping for online deals, sales and promotions and sometimes, it can get too much, to the point where we get overwhelmed by the amount of things we buy and have to store. In today’s TED talk, we explore the concept of “Less is more”  with writer and designer Graham Hill and discover how it may actually lead you onto the road to happiness.

 digital illustration of a chinese verse about being a happy person and spreading happiness wheniwasfour

Most of us have at some time experience the joy of having less. Be it staying at a dormitory, on a vacation or camping out in the wilderness. It’s established that less stuff means you occupy less space but did you know that by buying less, you can reduce your footprint? Here are some ways you can learn to cut down on some of those possessions of yours that you haven't touched in ages. 

  • Edit Ruthlessly
  • You know that shirt of yours that has been in your wardrobe for a long time and you “haven’t” found the occasion to wear it? Sometimes, you just have to cut away these things that take up space which could be used to store other items that could be more meaningful for you! Sentiment may be sweet, but when it’s time to let go, it’s time to let go.


  • Think Long-term
  • Think before you buy, does that truly make me happy? Will it actually bring purpose to me? Will it add to my happiness? We all like to buy, own and love great things, but the important thing is we also want to love these things for years to come! So we need to consider if this love for the item would actually last for as long as we want it to.

  • Make Functional and Be Flexible
  • Sometimes, all you need may be just your imagination! When purchasing items, think about how many different uses for the item you would have and which ones you would actually use. For example, when buying clothing, opt for something you would be able to mix and match with your wardrobe on the daily, rather than a special dress for an occasion that comes only once in a blue moon! In this case, more purpose means more happiness because it means you would have to worry less about what else you need to get to serve those other functions. 

    As the year approaches to an end, maybe it might be time to do some life editing. Look through your possessions and find out what would fit the above for you and think about how much happiness it would bring you! In this Christmas season, with all the gifts, sometimes, it may get a little overwhelming. So why not give a small card instead! A picture speaks a thousand words, and coupled together with your words of love, you have an eternal memento to give your friends, something small but with much purpose~ 

    The illustration above can be downloaded as a wallpaper! Click on the image below to download~ 

    phone wallpaper of a digital illustration of a chinese verse about being a happy person and spreading happiness wheniwasfour image of a phone with its wallpaper being a digital illustration of a chinese verse about being a happy person and spreading happiness wheniwasfour


    We have a set of 12 Chinese Verse Cards inspired by our digital illustrations from our Instagram which can help you convey the perfect sentiment~!


    image of a person holding chinese verse illustration cards

    December 24, 2020 by Celine Chin Wheniwasfour

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