Help! Children’s day is tomorrow! What should I do? With children’s day approaching, it must be hard choosing and buying presents for children. What if there was an easier way to spend more time with my children while having fun? No worries! We have just the solution! Being cooped up in our homes is never fun, especially for these past few months. Which is why our team here at Wheniwasfour has devised a small journey builder that parents can use to go on a small journey around Singapore with their precious little ones!

Be it kite flying at Marina Barrage, playing among nature at the Jurong Lake Gardens or challenging your inner Indiana Jones at West Coast Park, the locations included in the pamphlet below have been tailored to include mostly open-air places that are all low budget so we can all stay safe while having fun! Don your activewear, fill up your water bottle, slather on the sunscreen, grab the kidlets … and let’s do this!

Download the image here and print it out! Give it to your kids for a colouring page then fold it up into a fortune teller for some Amazing Race fun! 

 diagram of instructions on how to fold an origami fortune teller meant to be used with printable provided in the dropbox link included in the blog post

image of a hand holding onto origami fortune teller with the children’s day design printed on it mainly displaying the words build your own journey

October 02, 2020 by Celine Chin Wheniwasfour

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